During the Borough Council’s recent search for a replacement council member, long time West Conshy resident Pat Kelly praised Dave as the heart and soul of the Borough. Dave has spent time on Council during lean times and during better times for the Borough. Thanks to Dave’s many years with Verizon and the Fire Company, he has a great deal of knowledge about the physical infrastructure of the Borough and the surrounding municipalities. That knowledge will be invaluable when council looks to address traffic, parking and public safety issues.

Your Background:

How long have you lived in the borough?

Born and raised here; moved away for awhile and have been back for the last 20 years but always remained involved with the Borough.

Do you have any kids?

Two sons and two grandchildren.

What kind of work experience do you have?

37 1/2 years with Verizon, in construction and engineering.

What experience do you have that is relevant to serving on council?

I was the youngest, at the time, council member in 1974 to 1978. I also served on the Park and Rec Board. Have also been President of the Recreation Council. I have chaired the Zoning Board. Returned to Borough Council again in 2012 to 2016.

Tell us something about yourself that others may be surprised to know about you.

I was awarded fire instructor of the year, for the state of PA.

Your Outlook:

Who or what has had a big impact on your leadership style?

My Father.

If you could have dinner with any historical figure who would you pick?

Franklin D Roosevelt.

Thoughts on politics:

What is your favorite quote that reflects how you feel about government?

“Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Sir Winston Churchill

What is your favorite website for political information?

I do my own research by using multiple sources.

Who is your favorite president?


Thoughts on West Conshy:

What do you like most about living in the borough?

The friendly people.

What do you think is the most over looked problem in the borough?

Lack of affordable housing.

What are the biggest opportunities for the borough in the next five years?

Reopen Balligomingo road.

What do you think can be done to get residents more involved in local government?

Televise the council meetings.

Thoughts on borough council:

Why do you want to be on the borough council?

I think things could be made better for the residents of the Borough.

What particular issue do you care most about and want to get on the council agenda?

Better communications with the residents, more public input from the residents at the meetings, and better attendance of the meetings. I would also like public safety to be consistently on the meeting agenda.

What advice would you give someone who is running for council for the first time?

Have an open mind, think of the tax paying residents and how what you are doing will affect them. Think to yourself: is this good for the entire community or just for a special interest? You will never go wrong if you work benefits the entire community.